Turbo C 32/64 Bit fast-dl Download

Turbo C Verified torrent

Improved and optimized version of Borland Turbo C++ Turbo C++ is a development application developed by NeutroN StrikeR. It is a modified version of the famous DOS-based Borland Turbo C++. This free application is optimized to work on modern versions of the Windows operating system, including Vista, 7, 8 and C++, with all previously recognized features and toolsets of the original version. It also managed to completely eliminate almost all previously existing incompatibilities that prevented the use of the native version of this IDE tool on modern Windows. In fact, it fully supports both 32-bit and 64-bit operating systems.(function() { (‘review-app-page-desktop’); }); What is Turbo C++? Developer Borland achieved huge success with the release of Turbo and Borland C++, the most reliable IDE platforms for amateur and professional programmers at the time. Software development tools may have surpassed them over the years, but the Borland app still has its uses. Unfortunately, the compatibility of the program with the latest versions of Windows is debatable. Fortunately, there are several solutions you can use. C++ is one of the most reliable alternatives to manually trying to fix Turbo C++ incompatibility issues with modern Windows computers. As mentioned earlier, it includes all the features and toolsets of the original Borland application, including the compiler, debugger, DOS shell, and breakpoints. Additionally, it comes with code inspection, clocks, and tracking features. It also includes several projects that allow you to run it on modern computers, the application is built with improved stability thanks to the emulation of the old DOS environment. It can also run in windows and full screen. Aside from solving compatibility issues, it relies on a simple installation process. However, a few code changes are required to make the app work properly. In short,Turbo C++ is a tool Borland C++ fans should use. It offers all the previously appreciated features of the original DOS-based application so that you can use them on modern computers. In fact, it offers improved stability. However, some code modifications are still required to manage the successful launch and smooth operation of the program.

Turbo C


Windows 10 22H2 Build 19045.2251 AIO 16in1 With Office 2021 Pro Plus (x64)

Windows 10 22H2 Build 19045.2251 AIO 16in1 With Office 2021 Pro Plus (x64) Verified torrent


Véritable application fissurée directement du groupe de scènes.

Projet d’équipe-FTU !

Multilingue | Ajouter Office Pro Plus | Proactif | 64 bits | novembre 2022

Windows 10 22H2 Build AIO 16in1 avec Office 2021 Pro Plus (x64) multilingue préactivé

Windows 10 est une série de systèmes d’exploitation pour ordinateurs personnels produits par Microsoft dans le cadre de la famille de systèmes d’exploitation Windows NT. Il est le successeur de Windows et a été lancé pour la fabrication le 15 juillet 2015 et pour la vente au détail le 29 juillet 2015. Windows 10 reçoit en permanence de nouvelles versions qui sont disponibles sans frais supplémentaires pour les utilisateurs. Les appareils dans les environnements d’entreprise peuvent recevoir ces mises à jour plus lentement ou utiliser des jalons de support à long terme qui ne reçoivent que des mises à jour critiques, telles que des correctifs de sécurité, sur la durée de support prolongée de dix ans.

L’une des fonctionnalités les plus remarquables de Windows 10 est la prise en charge des applications universelles, une extension des applications de style Metro introduite pour la première fois dans Windows 8. Les applications universelles peuvent être conçues pour s’exécuter sur plusieurs familles de produits Microsoft avec une identité proche, compris les ordinateurs personnels, les tablettes et les smartphones. , systèmes embarqués, Xbox One, Surface Hub et Mixed Reality. L’interface utilisateur Windows a été réorganisée pour gérer les transitions entre une interface axée sur la souris et une interface optimisée pour l’écran tactile basée sur les périphériques d’entrée disponibles – en particulier sur les PC 2 en 1, les deux interfaces incluent un menu Démarrer mis à jour qui intègre Windows le traditionnel 7 Menu Démarrer avec vignettes Windows 8. Windows 10 introduit également le navigateur Web Microsoft Edge, un système de bureau virtuel, une fonctionnalité de gestion des fenêtres et des bureaux appelée Affichage des tâches, la prise en charge de la connexion par reconnaissance faciale et par empreinte digitale, de nouvelles fonctionnalités de sécurité pour les environnements d’entreprise et Direct X 12.

Les éditions incluent :

– Accueil monolingue de Windows 10

– Page d’accueil Windows 10

– Windows 10 Famille N

– Windows 10 Professionnel

– Windows 10 ProN

– Windows 10 Professionnel Éducation

– Windows 10 Professionnel ÉducationN

– Windows 10 Pro pour les postes de travail

– Windows 10 Professionnel pour Workstation N

– Windows 10 Éducation

– Windows 10 Éducation N

-Windows 10 Entreprise

– Windows 10 Entreprise N

– Windows 10 Entreprise multi-session/bureau virtuel

– Windows 10 IdO Entreprise

– L’équipe Windows 10

Quoi de neuf:

– Mettre à jour Office vers la version 2210 Build

– Mise à jour de la build OS Build 22H2

Langues : arabe, anglais, allemand, grec, français, espagnol, italien, portugais-portugais, portugais-brésilien, turc, bulgare !

Configuration requise:

– Processeur : 1 gigahertz (GHz) ou plus.

– RAM : 1 gigaoctet (Go).

– Espace libre sur le disque dur : 40 gigaoctets (Go).

– Adaptateur graphique : périphérique graphique Microsoft DirectX 9 ou supérieur.

– Exigences supplémentaires pour utiliser certaines fonctionnalités.

– La fonction tactile nécessite une tablette ou un moniteur prenant en charge la technologie multitouch.

– Pour accéder au Windows Store afin de télécharger et d’exécuter des applications, vous avez besoin d’une connexion Internet active et d’une résolution d’écran d’au moins 1024 768 pixels.

Méthode d’installation:

* Créez une clé USB amorçable (fortement recommandée) avec Rufus et démarrez !

* DVD-DL sérieux à vitesse lente.

Capture d’écran:-

page d’accueil:

Créez une clé USB amorçable et le démarrage / les instructions sont inclus dans le dossier !

!! OBSERVER!! Vérifiez toujours les versions de FTUApps ! Evitez les FAUX !

nous sommes le butest de fournir l’écran d’application testé à des applications plus propres et plus innocentes !

Windows 10 22H2 Build 19045.2251 AIO 16in1 With Office 2021 Pro Plus (x64)


Windows 11 21H2 16in1 en-US x64 – Integral Edition 2022.7.14 Download Torrent

Windows 11 21H2 16in1 en-US x64 - Integral Edition 2022.7.14 Verified torrent

Computer and Malware Scan Screenshots:

(#) Changes:

* Latest Windows 11 21H2 x64 updates added from (June).2022 to (July).2022: KB5014675 (replaces KB5014039) | KB5015021 (replaces KB5014036) | KB5015814 (replaces KB5014697).

* Added some custom settings improvements.

* Updated security intelligence updates for Windows Defender Antivirus (KB2267602) x64 from “” to “”.

* Updated Windows Defender Antivirus (KB4052623) x64 antimalware platform from “” to “”.

* Updated Windows Malware Removal Tool (KB890830) x64 from “” to “”.

* Updated Microsoft Edge (Chromium) x64 from “” to “”.

* Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable x86/x64 update from “” to “”.

* Updated Office 2021 Professional Plus x86/x64 online installer from “” to “”.

* Mozilla Firefox x64 updated from “” to “”.

* Updated 7-Zip x64 from “” to “”.

* Updated the full K-Lite codec pack from x86/x64 “” to “”.


(oh oh)

—————————–oOOo-(_)-oOOo—— ——- — ——————

Windows 11 21H2 16in1 en-US x64 – Ultimate Edition

For bug reports and questions, visit

================================================== = ===================

(#) Solutions for system requirements for Windows 11:

* This works for clean installs and upgrade scenarios.

1. No verification of Trusted Platform Module (TPM).

2. No secure boot verification.

3. No minimum CPU (CPU) check.

4. No check for at least 4 GB RAM.

5. No 64GB minimum storage check.

* In the upgrade menu you will see the word “Server” instead of “11”, this is normal, this is part of the trick to bypass all system requirements.

* If you don’t have a product key when upgrading, just use a generic product key from the ISODisc “.sources” file.

(#) Windows 11 updates:

* All Windows 11 21H2 x64 updates until (July) 2022 include:

1. KB890830 – Windows Malicious Software Removal Tool version

2. KB2267602 – Security information updates for Windows Defender Antivirus, version

3. KB4052623 – Update for Windows Defender Antivirus antimalware platform version

4. KB4559309 – Microsoft Edge version (Chrome).

5. KB5007575 – Critical dynamic update for .NET Framework for Windows 11 Version 21H2.

8. KB5013889 – Cumulative update for .NET Framework and for Windows 11 version 21H2.

6. KB5014675 – Dynamic Update Setup for Windows 11 version 21H2.

7. KB5015021 – Secure Operating System Dynamic Update for Windows 11 version 21H2.

9. KB5015814 – Cumulative update for Windows 11 version 21H2 (OS version).

(#) Windows 11 Runtime Libraries:

* DirectX End User Runtime (June 2010) x86/x64.

* Visual C++ 2002 x86 Redistributable.

* Visual C++ 2003 x86 Redistributable.

* Visual C++ 2005 SP1 x86/x64 Redistributable.

* Visual C++ 2008 SP1 x86/x64 Redistributable.

* Visual C++ 2010 SP1 x86/x64 Redistributable.

*Visual C++ Redistributable 2012 Update 5 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ Redistributable 2013 Update 5 x86/x64.

* Visual C++ 2015-2022 x86/x64 Redistributable.

* Visual Basic x86 runtime.

* Visual Basic x86 runtime.

*Visual Basic x86 runtime.

* Visual Basic x86 runtime.

* Visual Basic x86 runtime.

* Visual Basic Runtime x86 (SP6 update KB3096896).

(#) PreconfiguredWindows 11 Settings:

* .NET Framework = Installed.

* Automatic OneDrive installation = disabled.

* Diagnostic data collection = Disabled.

* Show all file extensions = Enabled.

* Show hidden files, folders and drives = Enabled.

* Taskbar items: Search, Widgets, Chat = Off.

* File progress dialog = verbose.

* Windows Theme Color = Storm.

* Windows Theme Accent Color = Enabled.

* Automatic media playback in the browser = Disabled.

* Default browser = Firefox.

* Standard Media Player = Media Player Classic.

* Default file archiver = 7-Zip.

(#) Additional Requests:

* Microsoft Office 2021 Professional Plus x86/x64 (online installer).

* 7-Zip x64 (with some preconfigured settings).

* Mozilla Firefox x64 (with some preconfigured settings).

* K-Lite Codec Pack Full x86/x64 (with some preconfigured settings).

* OpenHashTab x86/x64.

(#) Windows 11 x64 editions:

* Enterprise has the most functions.

Windows 11 Home single language

Windows 11 Home

Windows 11 HomeN

Windows 11 pro

Windows 11 ProfessionalN

Windows 11 Pro Education

Windows 11 Pro EducationN

Windows 11 Pro for Workstations

Windows 11 Pro for N workstations

Windows 11 education

Windows 11 Education N

Windows 11 Enterprise

Windows 11 EnterpriseN

Windows 11 Enterprise Multisession / Virtual Desktops

Windows 11 IoT Enterprise

Windows 10 team

* Description of Windows 11 editions:

* Description of Windows 11N:

(#) In general:

* All Windows 11 language packs can be downloaded directly from the language settings menu: “Settings – Time language – Language – Add language”.

* This Windows 11 was not in audit mode and was built with Microsoft DISM tool and is based on Windows 11 en-US x64 source.

* All included extras can be edited or deleted in the “.sources$OEM$” folder of the ISODisc (deleting the “$OEM$” folder will also update #1 and update # 4 delete).

* To set your own preconfigured browser homepage, simply edit the “initial_preferences” and “” files with a text editor in the ISODisc folder “.sources$OEM$” or in the hard drive folder “C :Programs” ” and ” C:Program Files (x86)”.

* A Windows 11 activator is not included, but a text file with a direct download link to a working activator will be dropped on the desktop.

* System requirements (minimum|recommended): 1|3 GigaHertz x64 processor with 2|4 cores, 2|8 gigabytes of RAM, DirectX 12 graphics card, 30|120 gigabytes of free hard disk space.

(#) To perform a clean install of Windows 11:

1. Burn the Windows 11 ISO file to a DVDBrun with a program like CDBurnerXP() or use Rufus() to create a bootable USB drive with Windows 11 ISO file.

2. Back up your important files to a separate drive.

3. To avoid accidentally creating a Windows 11 online account or encountering the account error (other users), please disconnect your computer from the Internet before installation.

4. From the Windows 11 setup menu, select Custom: Install only Windows(extended)”.

5. Delete any old Windows partitions, then click Install (be careful to select the correct hard drive).

Windows 11 21H2 16in1 en-US x64 - Integral Edition 2022.7.14


Windows 11 LiteOS Nexus Build 22621.521 (x64) (No TPM Required) Download

Windows 11 LiteOS Nexus Build 22621.521 (x64) (No TPM Required) Verified torrent

To visit

Original hacked apps directly from scene group.

Project team-FTU!

TPM Secure Boot is not required | En-US | 64-bit | October 2022

Windows 11 LiteOS Nexus Build (x64) (No TPM/Secure Boot required) En-US

Nexus LiteOS 11 is a pre-optimized image of Windows 11 for improved performance/gaming privacy and overall system stability. This version is based on Windows 11 ISO.

Publications included:

– Defender version

– Edition without a defender

Removed/disabled features:

– All applications with viruses

– Print spooler (disabled)

– Action Center (disabled)

– Hibernation (disabled)

– SysMain (disabled)

– Bring it in advance

– The people

– Help (HTML)

– Microsoft Sync

– Note: – All (disabled) features can be enabled using Toolkit

What was added:

– Updated to the latest version

– Low consumption of resources

– Best FPS in games

– Added special PowerPlan

– Great for 4GB RAM users (4GB+ recommended)

– Treatment: Be sure to use any activator to activate the OS!

Why does my antivirus tool flag this as a virus?

– Due to the masking required to protect the source code, many antiviruses and browsers mark the program as a virus, even when it is not.

Installation method:

– Do not run directly on a live OS

– Download Rufus or Ventoy and burn ISO to USB, then boot to USB to install OS

– DVD-DL recording at slow speed.


– What’s in Windows 11

System requirements:

– Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster.

– RAM: 4 gigabytes (GB).

– The free space on the hard disk is less than: 20 gigabytes (GB).

– Video card: DirectX 9 graphics device or higher.


Create a bootable USB and download / Instructions are included in the folder!

Antivirus scan result for the user

No Virustotal due to limited file size – It’s clean without corruption!

!! NOTE !! Always make sure the release is FTUApps! Avoid FAKES!

Our goal is to provide the cleanest, harmless apps with verified app screenshot!

Windows 11 LiteOS Nexus Build 22621.521 (x64) (No TPM Required)


Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x86 ru BVL 05.11.12.iso Torrent

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x86 ru BVL 05.11.12.iso Verified torrent

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x86 rav BVL

: Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x86 BVL

: Microsoft




: 2012


windows_7_ultimate sp1_k86 rav, UAC. “”, “”, . , : ). . MICROSOFT OFFICE 2007. . .




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512 ( 512; )

18. DVD




: ISO DVD. , .

: CRC32: 867A0857

MD5: 7959F7C2F821708B6C0A74CE6C5378ED

SHA-1: 06DBD1665325EEA87E89B0D197CB2E22F4BDE21

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x86 ru BVL 05.11.12.iso


Hill Climb Racing download

Hill Climb Racing Verified torrent

Fun and interesting racing game! Hill Climb Racing is a perfect combination of physics and distance in the genre of arcade or car game. Developed by Fingersoft, this racing game requires you to drive as fast as you can without turning over the hill. By measuring low gas, you only need to use two buttons to move the car. While one button accelerates the car, the other presses the brake. Depending on the terrain, it is easy to turn the car in this racing game. In some environments, you even have to drive a car on top of a large, easy-to-play and well-animated game! While there are many car racing games for Windows PC, Hill Climb Racing is a lightweight application. Therefore, it does not affect the performance of the system. Although you can play Need for Speed ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​and Forza Horizon 4 with good graphics, this game is good for low-end machines. It’s a nice break from the usual fast-paced games of the same genre. Although this Windows game offers fun and interesting gameplay, it has outdated graphics, which may be a handicap for some (function() {(‘review-app-page-desktop’); }); What is the purpose of the Mountaineering Competition? ?Hill Climb Racing is a simple physics based game. The game requires you to drive on rough terrain without overturning the hill. For each jump you can get extra points. However, there is always the risk of falling on your face and killing the driver. If you try to drive too slowly, you tend to end up in other driving games. You will be given the option to choose from a variety of vehicles including Race Car, Monster Truck, Motocross Bike and Jeep. At first, only the jeep is open and you can race other vehicles after getting the required points. In the game, you can choose from many locations such as arctic, desert, arena, cave, highway and moon. In each place you have to follow the laws of physics to make the car move forward. All locations have minor changes to the terrain, environment and rules to improve the car in Hill Climb Racing. Unlike Road Rash where you keep driving the same car, Hill Climb Race allows you to upgrade different aspects of the car using coins. Some of the most popular are the engine, tires and suspension. In terms of racing car and engine, you need special upgrades to improve speed, fuel economy and other improvements. The game explains what to expect. The educational environment explains what each update offers and how to use specific updates to increase speed and efficiency. After playing this game, you are well aware of the different features of the cars and the book of Hill Climb Racing, which is easy to play? Unlike Need for Speed: Most Wanted and other popular titles, Hill Climb Racing is easy to play. You just need to use the accelerator and brake. This helps you control the vehicle’s stability during jumps and overturns. In addition, with these buttons you can brake on a slope and slightly accelerate the car on a steep slope. It is important to note that the game has a two-dimensional approach. In other words, while the animation looks good, the old pictures can be annoying. That being said, Hill Climb Racing is a fun, addictive and simple game that isn’t meant to be hard. The game does not have a graphical approach, the character and cars can look cartoony. Also, the environment looks amazingbut keep your eyes on the screen with dangerous valleys and the most addictive racing game for Windows has been released online! Although there are many good options out there, most of these games are heavy. On the other hand, Hill Climb Racing is based on the simple racing games of the 2000s and works best on low-end machines. Although it requires a graphics upgrade, it’s not a big deal if you want to spend some time with a simple game on your Microsoft Windows. Climb Racing comes with a variety of vehicles, upgrades and in-app purchases to provide a fun, addictive and engaging game. If you are looking for a game that offers an easy way to enjoy the racing genre, this is a great choice. The most important thing is that it is free and does not affect the performance of the system. With different riding environments, bonuses, levels, stages, engine upgrades and challenges, it’s an exciting journey for players.

Hill Climb Racing


Windows 10 X64 Enterprise LTSC 2021 en-US MAY 2022 {Gen2} torrent

Windows 10 X64 Enterprise LTSC 2021 en-US MAY 2022 {Gen2} Verified torrent

Windows 10 X64 Enterprise LTSC 2021 Sr-US May 2022

Version 21H2 Build

* File:

* Size: 4.26 GB

* Format: Bootable ISO

* CRC32: d41ed26b

* MD5 : 5744dd528b87c60aea0e48a0477e7736

* SHA-1: 2915eb6d1f6d5cbc127ed3e5072a1fb3f18bd4ac

Integrated / Pre-installed:

* Service group:


* Cumulative update:


*NET Framework

* Cumulative update for

*NET Framework and:



* Windows 10 Enterprise LTSC 2021

* Enabled with KMS38

* UEFI Ready

* (Use the included Rufus USB utility to boot UEFI)

* Diagnostic and Repair Toolkit (only)

* compressed to recovery format ()

* Create a bootable USB stick (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (included) or burn to a DVD-R disc at low speed.

* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows activation script

* Hope you enjoy this release!

* Regards,

* Generation 2

Windows 10 X64 Enterprise 21H2 including Office 2019 en-US SEP 2021

Version 21H2 Build

* File:

* Size: 5.00GB

* Format: Bootable ISO

* CRC32: 13dfbaac

* MD5: 631570dd31f6f26f29900f8af7fbdf95

* SHA-1: 9ee30827f4755e9b193b8d48ab9eb69480742dd7

Integrated / Pre-installed:

*Office 2019 ProPlus VL 64-bit

* Service group:


* Cumulative update:


*NET Framework

* Cumulative update for

*NET Framework and:



* Windows 10 Enterprise

*Office 2019 ProPlus

* Activators: HVID and Online KMS

* UEFI Ready

* (Use the included Rufus USB utility to boot UEFI)

* Diagnostic and Repair Toolkit (only)

* compressed to recovery format ()

* Create a bootable USB stick (highly recommended) with Rufus,

* (included) or burn to DVD-DL at low speed.

* Windows_Addict, author of the Windows activation script

* Hope you enjoy this release!

* Regards,

* Generation 2

Windows 10 X64 Enterprise LTSC 2021 en-US MAY 2022 {Gen2}


Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x86 ru BVL 05.11.12.iso Torrent

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x86 ru BVL 05.11.12.iso Verified torrent

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x86 da BVL

: Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x86 BVL


: k86


: Rússia

: 2012


windows_7_ultimate sp1_k86 ru, Controle de Conta de Usuário. “”, “”, . , :°C). . Microsoft Office 2007. . .




Adobe Flash Player 11 ActiveX

Complemento para Adobe Flash Player 11

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512 (512;)

18. DVD




: ISO DVD. , .

: CRC32: 867A0857

MD5: 7959F7C2F821708B6C0A74CE6C5378ED

SHA-1: 06DBDD1665325EEA87E89B0D197CB2E22F4BDE21

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 x86 ru BVL 05.11.12.iso


ESET Endpoint Security x86 x64 lollipop Download Torrent

ESET Endpoint Security Verified torrent

Info: New update server.

ESET Endpoint Antivirus – your best choice

– Complete endpoint protection for Windows

– Superior discovery and virtualization support. Eliminates all types of threats and supports virtual machines.

– Low system requirements. Frees up more system resources and provides comprehensive protection.

– Proven ESET NOD32 technology works for you. With Exploit Blocker and Advanced Memory Scanner to neutralize advanced threats.

– Remote management. Fully manageable via the new ESET Remote Administrator Web Console.

Virus and spyware protection

Eliminate all types of threats, including viruses, rootkits, worms and spyware, with optional cloud-based scans for even better detection performance.

Antiphishing – Prevent yourself from becoming addicted

Our award-winning anti-phishing engine protects against attempts by fake websites to obtain sensitive company data such as usernames, passwords or bank details.

Device Manager – Keep offline devices under control

Make sure no unauthorized offline media is being used on your network. Block unauthorized devices or allow different levels of access.

Optimized for virtual environment

ESET Shared Local Cache stores metadata of scanned files so that replica files on one machine are not rescanned on other virtual machines.

Exploit Blocker prevents targeted attacks

New detection technology that strengthens protection against targeted attacks and exploits previously unknown zero-day attacks.

Advanced memory analyzer

Monitors the behavior of malicious processes and analyzes them as soon as they emerge, enabling effective infection prevention even by highly obfuscated malware.

Low system requirements keep the business moving forward

ESET Endpoint Antivirus offers proven protection while leaving more system resources for essential programs that end users depend on every day.

Customizable UI visibility

ESET solutions can be made completely invisible to end users, even with the option to have no icon in the system tray. Users are not distracted by popups or warnings.

Seamless implementation

Easy to implement as conflicting software is detected and removed during installation.


ESET Endpoint Security – your best choice

– Complete endpoint protection for Windows

– Support for virtualization + New technology. Supports virtual machines and provides protection against hackers and botnets.

– Integrated data access control. With Web Control to restrict access to websites and a two-way firewall.

– Low system requirements. Frees up more system resources and provides comprehensive protection.

– Remote management. Fully manageable via the new ESET Remote Administrator Web Console.

Virus and spyware protection

Eliminates all types of threats, including viruses, rootkits, worms and spyware, with optional cloud-based scans for even better performance and detection.

Advanced memory analyzer

Monitors the behavior of malicious processes and analyzes them as soon as they emerge, enabling effective infection prevention even by highly obfuscated malware.

Exploit Blocker – Fight against targeted attacks

New detection technologystrengthens protection against targeted attacks and exploits previously unknown zero-day attacks.

Optimized for virtual environment

ESET Shared Local Cache stores metadata of scanned files so that replica files on one machine are not rescanned on other virtual machines.

Antiphishing – Prevent yourself from becoming addicted

Protects end users from attempts by fake websites to obtain sensitive information, such as usernames, passwords, or bank and credit card information.

Vulnerability shield

Protects against vulnerabilities that have not yet been patched or deployed. Improves detection of common vulnerabilities and exposures (CVEs).

Web control

Secures business traffic and increases user productivity. Restricts user access to the website by category, games, social networks and others.

Two-way firewall

Prevents unauthorized access to your company’s network. Provides protection against hacking and data exposure prevention.

Device control

Make sure no unauthorized offline media is being used on your network. Block unauthorized devices or allow different levels of access.

Botnet protection

Protects against botnet malware infiltration and prevents spam and network attacks from the endpoint.

Low system requirements keep the business moving forward

ESET Endpoint Security offers proven protection while leaving more system resources for essential programs that end users depend on every day.

RIP replacement – seamless implementation

Enjoy seamless deployment: Unnecessary security software is detected and removed during installation, reducing deployment time and IT resources.

Extremely user-friendly remote management

ESET Endpoint Security is fully manageable via ESET Remote Administrator. for a perfect look see overview of network security status.

Customizable UI visibility

ESET solutions can be made completely invisible to end users, even with the option to have no icon in the system tray. Users are not distracted by popups or warnings.

Operating System: Win7+

ESET Endpoint Security


Windows 10 Pro 21H1 19043.1110 x64 EN JULY UPDATED – CzOS Download

Windows 10 Pro 21H1 19043.1110 x64 EN JULY UPDATED - CzOS Verified torrent


– Updates integrated until July 14, 2021;

* Set of services:


* Cumulative update:

* KB5004237

* NET Framework

* Cumulative update for

* NET Framework and:

* KB5003537

* Chorme

* Firefox

* Victories

* 7 zippers


* Winamp



Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or higher.

Free hard disk space: 20 gigabytes (GB).

Graphics adapter: Microsoft DirectX 9 or later graphics device.

Additional requirements for using certain functions.

Touch functions require a tablet or monitor that supports multi-touch technology.

Access to the Windows Store to download and run apps requires an active Internet connection and a screen resolution of at least 1024,768 pixels.

Windows 10 Pro 21H1 19043.1110 x64 EN JULY UPDATED - CzOS
